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 Com o objetivo de não modificar o original, vou deixar o texto em inglês mesmo: (se algum expert em inglês ajudar a traduzir, eu agradeço)

"The Apollo 12 backup crew (who went on to fly as Apollo 15 prime crew) added some nice surprises to the Lunar surface checklists Pete Conrad and Al Bean wore on their spacesuit cuffs. These lovely Playboy Playmate centerfold models provided a nice reminder of the good things back on Earth, as well as reminding the astronauts about certain geological training references. The young woman on the right is Miss December 1968, Cynthia Myers. Pete was reunited with one of his checklist companions, Regan Wilson - Miss October 1967, on E! Entertainment Televison in the mid-1990's. "

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Dificuldade para 'amarrar os sapatos'.



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